Friday, January 31, 2014

52 Project

Sometime last summer I began to see more and more mom-bloggers joining a photo-journaling revolution called the 52 project. The projects author, Jodi Wilson,(,is a writer, photojournalist, and mother. I connected to her projects intent to capture the everyday, however mundane, in all it's brilliance. Every week, in 2012, she post one photo of her children. At year end she had 104 pictures- a modern memoir embracing those precious moments time seems to indiscriminately erase. Her photography’s are eloquent, vibrant, and capture the essence of motherhood. It doesn’t hurt her son Che and daughter Poet were obviously at the front of the line when they were handing out good looks.   
Therefore, while I am not usually the kind who goes about making New Year’s resolutions,(I prefer to make the resolution in the moment of inspiration), I felt today, the Lunar New Year, is a symbolic starting point to join the 52 project. I have always admired those who can illuminate life through the art of photography. To help me with this goal I have also joined an online photography class.  The time has come to stop letting my camera's auto mode dictate how I view the world.
      1/52: A photo of my children once a week every week in 2014.

Bunny, this week you:
  • are on the verge of reading your favorite book Too Many Cats
  • opened your first bank account $185.33 in pennies
  • impressed the bank teller by signing the papers yourself
  • jumped in the pool at swimming lessons, without being scared
  • are obviously growing, your appetite has been ferocious

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snowy Man Day

    Today is yet another day to remind us to savor those dog days of summer. Every single one of those days, hot and sticky with popsicle juice dripping down their chubby little arms.  There is no question the blustery cold, followed by the eight inch blanket of snow is proof Jack Frost has taken up permanent residence. Now if I could only charge him rent, or at least shovel the sidewalk.
   And while I see these days as an excellent opportunity to hunker down with a hot cup of coffee and a good book, the wild things among me have a different plan. Here's to the optimistic view of those who see their glass always half full. Have a Snowy Man Day!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


It would be easy to hand out excuses and say my absence from this sight has been due to a deep hibernation, but my husband pointed out today even the bears in Colorado have been spotted milling around.

As for this little monkey, cold weather is not a deterrent either. I imagine someday I will be sent a text from atop a far off mountain or polar cap letting his mother vicarious live through his exuberant desire to explore the world.